"Exploring the Cultural Significance of Mexican food: A Personal and Gl" by Robert Treto



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Humanities & Communication


Communication Studies


This project dives into the meaning and values rooted in Mexican food and takes a look at the significant influence on Mexican culture and its personal significance throughout my life. I will explore how Mexican food plays a role in helping me express the the appreciation I have for my culture. Mexican food resembles the diversity and versatility of the country as well as its people through its ingredients and overall influence on society. Mexican food and culture create a sense of community in a country that feels so divided at times, while simultaneously acting as a catalyst for pride and celebration of the culture in the U.S. and beyond.

Furthermore, this project highlights the global impact of Mexican food and culture, digging into how it has been able to garner widespread popularity and ultimately adapt to diversity in the kitchen throughout the U.S. and beyond. With the spread of Mexican food and culture across the globe,consumers continue to enjoy and partake in the culture on a daily basis, promoting and introducing it to others who have not yet indulged in its rich dishes and its culture. Drawing on my personal experiences and reflections, I express how Mexican food has played a pivotal role in shaping my cultural identity and growing connections within my heritage beyond my immediate and extended family. Sharing my mother‘s recipes and enjoying Mexican dishes from other families continues to be an enjoyable experience for me. This is what I feel that my Mexican culture intends to do, which is build and share community through our love of food.

It is clear that there is a strong relationship between food and pride within Mexican culture and I believe that the importance of Mexican food in both personal and global contexts is explained throughout this paper. The inspiration that Mexican food and culture and provide, drives the notion of breaking down barriers of alienation and inferiority orchestrated by society in order to create meaningful connections across cultures around the globe.
