

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Human Development & Family Science


Human Development and Family Science


The social-emotional development is described in this study. This study examines children who lack pro-social-emotional abilities and find it difficult to build meaningful interactions with others. In my work, I discuss how research and the lessons I taught my participants can help children gain greater social-emotional abilities and an understanding of different emotions. I work with kindergarteners who are five to six years old because I want to support them in developing deep connections with their peers and in learning about their feelings. The issue I will be bringing up is that kids struggle to build positive relationships with their classmates or other people in their surroundings because they don't comprehend the feelings of other people. Children's lack of empathy for the feelings of their classmates makes this an issue. Given the problem of kids not understanding the emotions of their peers, it's important to explain to them the range of emotions and how they might support their friends in times of need.
