"Finding the Needs for Filipino Seniors in Salinas" by Delna Fenton



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy

First Advisor

Alicia Hernandez Sanchez


The Aging Filipino community in Monterey County is underserved. Finding the Needs of Filipino Seniors in the city of Salinas, California is a project of the Strengthening Wellness, “Fortaleciendo el Bienestar,” (FEB) program of the Alliance on Aging nonprofit agency. This capstone project, Finding the Needs of Filipino Seniors, includes: conversations and surveys to assess the needs of aging Filipinos in Salinas; data synthesis; and development of a report to the Alliance on Aging and others community stakeholders. The expected outcome for Finding the Needs of Filipino Seniors in Salinas is to provide a strong base of information and institutional relationships that will increase Alliance on Aging capacity to effectively serve the aging Filipino community. The measurable results are to 1) conduct 3-5 presentations to existing Filipino community organization; 2) gather at least 50 surveys; and 3) analyze data and present a report to the community, stakeholders and Alliance on Aging staff. Implementation methods included contacting gatekeepers, conducting outreach to various Filipino clubs and organizations and conducting surveys at events Filipino seniors attended. An important finding from the surveys and conversations is the need for targeted programs and services to the Filipino aging communities, including dancing and social events, educational programs on nutrition, learning about technology, finance classes and more. Some potential next steps for the Alliance on Aging are to increase access and offer referrals to more activities, provide more educational programs and increase the pipeline of resources to the Filipino community.
