"Friends Outside New Program Feasibility" by Monica Miramontes-Valadez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Friends Outside is a nonprofit organization that primarily works with the incarcerated, newly released individuals, and probationers. Currently, female perpetrators of domestic violence who cannot afford the 52-week treatment program are being referred to Friends Outside to comply with probation terms, but they are not receiving any credit toward certification for completion, not is it being recognized by the California Courts. Presently, there is one program available in the entire Santa Cruz County, New View, which is only available in English and has limited time availability and prohibitive costs. The project focus was to examine whether Friends Outside should fill the need for a female perpetrator certification, while additionally, determining if Friends Outside has the support from clientele, Probation Officer’s, and the community.
