"Monterey Dance Marathon: For The Kids" by Mayra Vivanco



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy

First Advisor

Susan Osorio


This report identifies the current problem facing The Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), a non-profit organization situated within the Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital (SVMH). The current problem facing this organization is attributed to the loss of a major corporate partner, Valero Corner Store Gas Stations in the Miracle Balloon Fundraising Campaign. The loss resulted in 10 denied medical needs grants and limited the expansion of services within the Tri-county area (Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito) in 2016 which negatively affected CMN’s ability to fulfill its mission: to raise funds and awareness. To replace Valero Corner Stores’ place in the market and spread awareness on children’s health issues, a fundraising event titled: Monterey Bay Dance Marathon was implemented at California State University (CSUMB). The event raised a total of 3,000 dollars and served as an educational experience for students. Students were asked to complete a pre- and post-survey to measure whether their knowledge on the non-profit increased and whether they would be willing to help plan a similar event for CMNH in the future. Therefore, it is strongly recommended the organization takes steps foster a strong foundation at CSUMB by partnering with the clubs faculty advisor and the Student Organization Staff Advisors (SOSA) to help nurture and grow the movement.

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