"Let's Talk: Increasing Communication With Dual- Immersion Parents" by Carmina Tirado



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patricia Whang


In 2016, California passed Proposition 58, which repealed Proposition 227. The latter proposition, passed in 1998, prohibited the use of non- English instruction in public schools across California. Since then, bilingual education programs such as dual- immersion, or two-way immersion programs have seen a rise in enrollment. Due to its novelty, parental involvement is crucial for the success of the program. This Capstone project focuses on understanding the obstacles that parents of second language learner students, specifically those in dual-immersion programs face when it comes to their involvement. Several factors such as language barriers, parent/teacher misunderstanding, and time restraints, can impact the level of involvement from parents. The primary stakeholder perspectives obtained were two teachers and an administrator, due to their direct experiences with the focus issue. Based on an analysis of the data, three action options emerged as possible ways to build relationships and promote the involvement of dual-immersion parents.
