

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy

First Advisor

Adrienne Saxton


Victims of crime often do not understand how to testify and are often intimidated to go on the stand with no background knowledge. The Monterey County District Attorney’s Office Victims of Crime program hopes to utilize a video to prepare and support victims who have been called to testify feel more comfortable and confident. Courtroom Etiquette for Testifying Victims of Crime is a video where victims can see and gain an understanding of what a courtroom looks like, the seating arrangements, the proper attire, responding to questions and the interpreter services. The purpose is to make victims of crime who have been victimized and who may be scared, feel more confident, prepared and relaxed. The video will be shown to victims who have been subpoenaed to testify in a criminal case to prepare them for their day in court. Being worried about testifying can be re-victimizing and stressful. A video on what testifying entails may change the way they feel when it is time to appear. Though watching the video victim witnesses can get a sense of the process and feel reassured. The Monterey County District Attorney’s Office will utilize this video for their victim witnesses and facilitate they’re learning of the courtroom process.

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