"Societal Factors Limiting the Access to Education of Girls in Nigeria" by Benjamin Stelter



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Social, Behavioral & Global Studies


Global Studies

First Advisor

Richard Harris

Second Advisor

Ajit Abraham


Nigeria provided an interesting case study for evaluating the societal factors that limit girls access to education. Educational attainment has been one of the contributing factors that has led to the gender gap in Nigeria. I used a mix of qualitative and quantitative research for this capstone research project. The research that I gathered was a combination of statistics from various government and Non-governmental with a combination of secondary sources from other researchers. I analyzed this by using African Muslim theory to interpret the data and offer a critical view of the research. Through this research I found that there are combination of cultural, economic, political, religious, and regional factors that limit girls ability to attain education. A mix of religion, tradition, and economic factors have resulted in girls dropping out of school and only further expands the gap. A fear of Western intervention and wanting to preserve cultural languages has also led girls to be kept out of school. Due to the varying factors that impact this issue, there is not an easy solution, but outlined in the paper, I propose a few. For example introducing all girl Muslim schools, schools that incorporate the regional languages, and more women involvement in politics. These are not easy solutions to implement and further research should involve researching how implementation would work.
