"College & Career Exploration" by Karina Medina



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborate Health & Human Services

First Advisor

Andrea Ibessaine


Taylor Farms Center for Learning was developed by the Future Citizens Foundation who is a California non-profit organization that provides programs throughout Monterey County. The rate of high school dropouts in Monterey County is extremely high. The purpose of the capstone project was to empower and promote youth to obtain a higher education and to simply allow youth to define success in their own terms. The empowerment process consisted of four educational workshops that focused on educating and informing youth of different postsecondary education and careers opportunities available. The results increased youth’s knowledge and awareness about postsecondary education and career possibilities. Future recommendations to the agency will be to include guest speakers and field trips during the workshops to provide the youth with meaningful insight into different career and college experiences.
