"Gearing Up for College" by Beatriz Amy Huerta



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Social Work and Community Health

First Advisor

Andrea Ibessaine

Second Advisor

Gema Zamudio


Sadly, in the Greenfield community, there are exceedingly high rates of individuals who lack post-secondary education. The Census (2010), states that only 4.8% of persons age 25 years and older in Greenfield, CA obtain a bachelor’s degree. At Greenfield High School over the past five years, an average of 16 students enrolled at a CSU campus (The California State University, 2018). In efforts to promote higher education, Gear Up (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) empowers students and families of the Monterey County by fostering equitable access to postsecondary education and career readiness through relevant rigorous academic and enrichment services. As a result, the College Club was designed to promote post-secondary education from highlighting and informing students about the process of applying to college to mentoring students and giving them tips to be successful. The project consisted of five meetings that were open to all GHS students but mainly targeted for the 11th and 12th-grade cohort. Each meeting was designed to explore and review the difference between attending a UC/CSU/Private/Vocational School/ or Community College, career and majors, financial aid, and guest speakers. One of the project's strengths was the great turn out and involvement from the students reaching an average of 30-40 students per session. Overall, the project will be continued with the leadership from Gear Up staff and the recommended change to have more frequent meetings.

Additional Files

Capstone poster- bhuerta.pdf (9484 kB)
