"Together We Play, Together We Learn" by Josefina Mosqueda



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Social Work

First Advisor

Andrea Ibessaine

Second Advisor

Caitlin Stinneford


The Monterey County Free Library increase the knowledge of how important it is for parents to interact by reading and playing with their children at an early age. The program "Together We Play; Together We Learn" will raise awareness about illiteracy. There is a high illiteracy rate in the Greenfield Community. According to the Literacy Campaign, focus on Early Childhood Literacy can help children to read at grade level by third grade. According to the US Census (2010). 78.7% speak Spanish highly of many students do not speak English when they enter school and 19.3% of the Greenfield population speaks English at home. The implement of the program six–week Workshop on Saturday from 11:00 -2:00 P.M. where the parents and children can play together, during activities like reading have a snack, and craft. The program will encourage the Hispanic community to consider healthy lifestyle choices concerning their diet, exercise, and well-being. Implementation of the program was successful because they have one volunteer who wants to continue with the program and parents continue asking for the workshops. Is recommended that the library offer a workshop one every month.

Available for download on Wednesday, December 31, 2025
