Document Type
Capstone Project (Open Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Music & Performing Arts
Contemporary Music
First Advisor
Lanier Sammons
With 2.3 million people in the United States prison system, reducing recidivism rates in prison is crucial. One of the most prevalent ways California has been able to reduce recidivism and encourage less punitive measure on prisoners is through music rehabilitation programs. This research explores the current prison population, history of music rehabilitation in prisons, positive and negative psychological effects music can have on inmates, an active music rehabilitation program (Dance Kaiso), and how inmates have been utilizing these programs. By exploring the current prison population and how music rehabilitation began in the United States and California, there’s a clearer understanding of the people that are receiving this method of support. With the help of past research conducted on a variety of prisoners and people under severe stress, depression, and anxiety it helps introduce the psychological effects music can have on prisoners. The last thing to be addressed is the actual implementation and utilization of Arts-in-Corrections music rehabilitation program, Dance Kaiso in the minimum to medium security Correctional Training Facility. Through this research, I hope to provide insight on a huge group of people that are often overlooked and unsupported and how to provide them with the tools to reduce stress and anger, encourage healthy communication, create a positive sense of self that they can reference in and out of prison.
Recommended Citation
Hanson, Sarah, "Music Rehabilitation Programs in California State Prisons" (2018). Capstone Projects and Master's Theses. 379.