"Increasing Access with Online Enrollment" by Jazmin M. Cardoso



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Monterey County Office of Education Head Start is an agency that provides early childhood education services through several different program options. Half-day and full-day services are provided to low-income children ages 3-5. In the school year 2016-17, Head Start was able to recruit 1, 403 children out of 9,993 eligible in Monterey County and provided them with half-day or full day early childhood education services. The lack of outreach strategies puts the agency at risk of low enrollment each new school year. A new outreach strategy, Head Start Online Interest Form was implemented in hopes of increasing enrollment for the 2018-19 school year. To illustrate the effectiveness of the online interest form, a count of submitted forms was done at the end of each month with a total of 59 completed and 57 enrolled with this process. It is recommended that the agency seek an individual who will take on the leadership role for the online interest form.

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