"Creating Access with Technology" by Guadalupe Lopez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services


Encompass Head Start and Early Head Starts main office located in Watsonville, CA, is where the behind the scenes work for the 18 toddler sites within Santa Cruz county is performed; including designing methods for family recruitment. Encompass Head Start and Early Head Start has been designated as Chronically Under Enrolled for its continuous trend of under enrollment in its programs, with Early Head Starts Home Base/ Home Visitors program impacted the most. An online form was implemented to add to the methods of collecting applications for Encompass Early Head Start Home Base/ Home Visitors program. Families will have more access to Encompass Early Head Start by having the option to send an online application form instead of submitting a paper form. Encompass Head Start and Early Head Start will increase its availability to its audience by having more of an online presence.

The amount of applications submitted through the online form between October 29th and November 29th, 2018, was one, compared to the amount of online applications received in 2017 from October 29th to November 29th which was zero. Although the number of applications submitted was low, Encompass Head Start and Early Head Start gained a valuable tool for recruitment. It is recommended the online application be reviewed every year to make sure the questions being asked are relevant. It is also recommended the rest of the programs offered by Encompass Head Start and Early Head Start adopt an online application as well.
