"Bringing Meaning Back: Adding Significance to Arts Curriculum" by Arturo Ortiz



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


A lackluster attitude towards art projects can lead to students that do not value art or creativity. Instilling a reach beyond the school population and completing art projects that hold intrinsic value adds meaning to the works being produced. If time is taken out of other curriculum to focus on the arts, it is in students’ and teachers’ best interests to have that class time have real significance. Staff and parents of Clinton Elementary were interviewed for their views on creating opportunities to imbue meaning to art curriculum. After the data was compiled and analyzed, several action options were created. A public auction of student artwork was the highest recommended action option. The auction allowed students to see their work posted in various places in the community and imparted meaning into their work. Students’ ability to take pride and ownership in their work allowed them to find meaning in their work.
