"A Recipe for Success: Libros del Corazon, Cultura, y Las Comadres" by Sandra Figueroa



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Miguel Lopez


This capstone explores my journey of empowerment, healing, and to finding my cultural identity through Mexicana literature. For this paper, I analyze four books, to identify cultural concepts that are woven into each book and across the four books. These concepts, grounded in the research on literature, cover the areas of Mexican culture, gender, urban life, education, etc. At times, there are harmonious connections between the concepts and at other times the concepts clash. For this paper, I present four key concepts that give “voice” to each book. The concepts presented in this paper represent las mujeres as hijas [women as daughters], as estudiantes [students], and as maestras [teachers]. I document how the literature speaks to our souls, affirms out cultural identity and builds community.

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