"Increasing Reading Motivation in Second Grade Students" by Jazmin Fausto



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies


For this research paper, the writer focused on increasing reading motivation among second-grade students. The participants of this capstone project included 20 second-grade students in a public elementary school located in California’s Central Coast. The capstone project’s goal was to get students motivated to read. Furthermore, the writer planned a lesson that both motivates the students as well as inspires them to read more. What the writer found during her lesson was the curiosity and willingness of the students to learn how to read more. With this in mind, the writer found that students at this age are more open and ecstatic to reading. Though only conducted for one day, the writer felt that she can build upon this lesson for reference as a future teacher. Motivation to read is important and it would be best enforced when students are young and curious.
