"Technology in Education" by Hannah Greenelsh



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Browning Neddeau


This paper will examine how technology is useful in education and should be integrated into curriculum. The participants for the Capstone Project included 23 fifth-grade students in a public middle school on the Central Coast of California. This project focused on using a web-based art program called Canva to create infographics based on students’ knowledge and study of Ancient Egypt. The students also commented on their peers’ work on a blog page the researcher created. The researcher found that students had difficulty using a new application. They were also less creative than the researcher expected, which could be due to a limited attention span or being distracted all of the time. As an aspiring teacher, the researcher knows that using technology in the classroom will be a sought-after job skill because administrators want technologically-savvy teachers. Technology can help students be more successful in their future careers.
