"Importance of Combining Physical Activity and Health and Wellness in t" by Chandler McKean



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


This senior capstone project brings to light the importance of physical activity and health and wellness education in connecting a child’s mind and internal body, to their physical outer body. This project examines the physical education curriculum in its entirety and displays the current pros and shortcomings in physical education within schools. Today, the education system strives to educate its students to the best of their abilities. This focus has begun to push away non-academic classes, such as physical education, to devote more time and resources in other areas, e.g. math, sciences, and language arts. Through the use of literature review and anonymous surveys with regular teachers and physical education teachers in California, this capstone examines the importance of combining physical activity and health and wellness into physical education within schools. The findings suggest that combining physical activity and health and wellness is of great importance when striving to educate the “whole child.”
