"Marketing Music in the Modern Age: Hip-Hop Emphasis" by Tyler Turquand



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Music & Performing Arts


Recording Technology

First Advisor

Lanier Sammons


This Capstone paper is meant to discover the most effective marketing methods for modern day musical artists at different stages in their career. This paper focuses more on hip-hop artists, but there is content that applies to artists of all genres. First, this paper will provide some background and history on the overall goal and progression of music marketing throughout the years. This section will discuss when marketing first became important to music and how it has been done in the past as technologies advanced. It will then provide some background on when the internet started being used for marketing purposes. Additionally, it will explain how it created new opportunities for artists to remain independent from major labels, especially in hip-hop. Afterwards, this paper will move on to discuss some of the most popular and effective means of marketing musical artists in the modern age. Much of the paper will explain ways new artists can build up a fanbase on a low budget without signing to a label. The final section will examine some more creative and advanced marketing strategies popular artists have used to boost their sales. The paper will then conclude with a summary of the information that was discussed throughout.
