"A Comparative Analysis Between the Voting Patterns of CSUMB Students a" by Selena Corona



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Social, Behavioral & Global Studies

First Advisor

Armando Arias


The purpose of this capstone is to evaluate if CSUMB students, ages 18-24, follow the historically low voting and low voter registration patterns of other U.S. voters, ages 18-24. The study will draw on the theory of political information efficacy in order to analyze why young voters, ages 18-24, are less likely to vote in federal and state elections. My methodology for this study included using both qualitative and quantitative methods. I created an online survey to critically analyze why young adults from 18 to 24 years old vote in significantly fewer numbers than voters over the age of 64. The participants included 40 California State University Monterey Bay students, ages 18-24. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau will allow me to evaluate data sets and compare the differences in voting behaviors between CSUMB students and U.S. voters, ages 18-24. The overall results of this capstone were that the voting patterns of CSUMB students, ages 18-24, do not mirror the historically low voting patterns of U.S. voters, ages 18-24.
