

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


The Gateway Center of Monterey County is a non-profit agency that serves individuals with developmental (DD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) who are 18 years and older (Gateway, n.d). The core values Gateway follows are; rights, choices, and opportunities for growth (Gateway, n.d). Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities often lack adaptive behavior skills. Adaptive behavior skills such as; self-care, social skills, and personal responsibility. Adults with disabilities lack these skills because of their limited receptive, and expressive language and underdeveloped motor skills. Some consequences of this problem are a lower quality of life and social exclusion. This capstone project created a curriculum for a music class and allowed clients to exercise their motor skills and improve self-expression. The class extended services within the agency which enhanced the agency’s mission of providing a caring and stimulating environment. The project was implemented as a class within the day program at Gateway of Monterey County for the sensory awareness class. The expected outcomes are improved cognitive functioning ( i.e. clients will be able to remember how to play multiple instruments, keep a beat on their own). As well as, increased socialization, attention and language will all be improved. It was discovered that 4 out of 6 clients (66%) were able to show that they met the expected outcomes. There were some limitations since the group size was so small, and the class was held in an exercise room. Some recommendations for future classes are to have the class in a room with fewer distractions, have speakers for the background music, and have ample time for clients to take breaks and get a chance to try all of the instruments.

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