

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborated Health and Human Services


The Day Worker Center of Santa Cruz County is a component of the Community Action Board (CAB), a non-profit organization that has been providing services to eliminate poverty. CAB offers the program, administrative, and fiscal oversight to the Day Worker Center. The County of Santa Cruz is facing a high rate of unemployment, which is affecting the community. What contributes to the problem is low awareness of community knowledge about employment services. Also, the undocumented community that finds it hard to trust services because they think they can get deported. In addition, the issue can cause consequences such as health concerns that can affect an individual lifelong. Homelessness is another consequence they can face because they don't have no income to pay for housing. The project focused on creating sources to do outreach and marketing to get more people to know about the Day Worker Center. Its purpose is to get unemployed individuals to be part of the service, helping them get a job and build relationships in the community. The outcome is to have active employers so the employees can have a chance to be employed. The project's assessment was to keep track of the flyers distributed within twenty small businesses in Watsonville and Santa Cruz. In Santa Cruz, eighty-five flyers were distributed in neighborhoods while in Watsonville, only fifty-five. Eighty-eight flyers were given to people in both areas in the community. The results demonstrate employers are interested in helping the community and providing job opportunities to the day workers.
