"Legal Advocacy Brochure" by Elisa M Silva



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Betsaida Garcia


Often victims of domestic violence return to their abuser because of the lack of resources, their cultural background, and their support system not understanding their situation. Additionally, victims who do not speak English are at higher risk of not accessing resources and may believe they have no option but to return to their abuser. The YWCA Monterey County predominantly serves a Spanish speaking community, however, it does not have Spanish brochures from each department available. Therefore, creating a resource brochure for the Legal Advocacy Program, that provided resources in both Spanish and English, helped Latino clients receive information about the program’s purpose and goals. The final results showed that out of all the partner agencies that displayed brochures, clients gathered more from the Housing Authority and District Attorneys office. The resource brochure increased the client's knowledge of services available within the community by defining the legal aid available, eligibility requirements, and local collaborative agencies. The goal was to provide Spanish speaking community with accessible information on services in their native language to ensure they had an option to leave their abuser.

Available for download on Saturday, July 10, 2038
