"Youth Education Program" by Venessa Villa-Martin



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services


Young adults in Monterey County are at risk of being in an abusive relationship and becoming a victim of domestic violence. Being in an abusive relationship has lasting effects, including low self-esteem, and negative effects to both mental and physical health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), nearly 1 in 11 female, and 1 in 15 male, high school students report having experienced physical dating violence within the past year. About 26% of females and 15% of males will have experienced some type of intimate partner violence (sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking) before the age of 18. The Youth Education Program through the YWCA, was implemented to increase the youth’s self-awareness and knowledge of healthy relationships in hopes to decrease those numbers. A series of weekly workshops were conducted because research shows it is necessary for people to hear messages 7-9 times in order to successfully retain information (American Psychologist, 2003, pg.6-7). Although the initial expected outcomes were not met, the project did obtain other successes that were not able to be measured quantitatively. It is recommended for this specific school site to have a male facilitator in order for the male students to really engage with on a deeper level. The collaboration of two separate facilitators would be more beneficial to the students of both sexes.
