"Parent Involvement in Elementary Schools" by Maria Miramontes



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Andrea Ibessaine


The current Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium results prove that the Greenfield Union School District is academically low in English and Mathematics. This is a problem that the school district is facing because students are not engaged with their education. Poverty and low parental involvement puts students at risk to not be engaged in their education, since the socioeconomic status of parents can prohibit parents with the level of engagement in their children’s education. The majority of the students at Greenfield Union School District are English learners, this is another risk factor because at times parents cannot help their children in their school work. The consequences connected to this problem are increases on low test scores, dropout rates and lifetime negative outcomes. The capstone project that directly addressed this problem was creating opportunities for parent involvement. Three workshops were delivered to increase knowledge in the importance of school attendance, learning how to read assessments and building a growth mindset. These workshops provided room for knowledge, but emphasized the importance of initiating parent involvement. The expected outcome from the project was to deliver knowledge from all topics and have a consistency of parents’ attendance. The results from the project were that parent’s attendance was consistent throughout all workshops and parents increased significant knowledge from the pre to the post on all topics.
