"Helping Academic Struggling Elementary School Students Succeed" by Dulce M. Carmona



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


There is a push to focus on academics for struggling elementary school students to be successful. Research has shown that teachers and tutors who use various teaching methods have helped students to be successful in their academic performance. This senior capstone project explores how struggling students can achieve success in school and at the same time can catch up with their classmates. Through a literature review, interviews and surveys conducted with two elementary school teachers, a coordinator and students in Monterey County, the results reveal how beneficial it is for students to have extra help from teachers and tutors. In particular when they receive one-on-one assistance. The results from interviews and surveys also reveal how teachers in the Monterey County can help struggling students to succeed in their academics. In addition, extra help from tutors can also be very beneficial as it provides additional academic assistance for struggling students.
