"Open Mind and Open Heart: You Matter and Together We Can Overcome Adol" by Susana Hernandez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


The focus issue addressed in this Capstone Project is the importance of providing support that is easily accessible for all students who are faced with mental health challenges. This is an important issue for school districts because the number of students facing mental health challenges has been increasing and without adequate support students do not properly self care. It is argued that many students are currently challenged with mental health, but the support provided by schools is inadequate. Considerations of the issues, required obtaining the perspectives of stakeholders from local high schools, organizations, and families who are currently changed by mental health. Three action options emerged from an analysis of the data and were explored as ways to address the issue. Providing a permanent specialist as well as providing a wellness center is argued to be the most effective way to achieve the goals of supporting social and emotional wellness to all students.
