"Let’s Chat: Changing Parent-Teacher Communication" by Jasmin Duran



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patricia Whang


The focus of this Capstone project is on how effective communication between teachers and parents affects students’ academic progress. This is an important issue for teachers because having an effective form of communication with parents will result in more successful students. It is argued that students whose parents communicate with their teachers are likely to be academically successful. The primary participants interviewed were teachers and parents, to get both perspectives on finding an effective form of communication for student success. Based on an analysis of the data and the relevant research literature, three action options emerged and explored as ways to address the issue presented: 1) Paper Communication; 2) Phone Communication; and 3) Digital Communication. It is argued that the most effective way to achieve the goals of effective teacher-parent communication is through digital means as the era of smartphones and communication technologies continue to evolve.

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