"Increasing the Utilization of Mental Health Services Among the Latino " by Jennifer Padilla



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Social Work

First Advisor

Thomas Rogers


Mental Health affects millions of individuals every year. It can affect anyone at any age. Mariposa Wellness Center Community Connections (MWC-CC) provides services and support for those not receiving the adequate treatment. There is lack of access to health care; therefore, many individuals suffer from a mental health condition without treatment leading to major consequences such as having a dysfunctional family and homelessness. The information was delivered in a series of community outreach that were designed to provide the community with information about mental health and resources. Unfortunately, the expected results were not reached due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mariposa Wellness Center had to close its doors to the community. Therefore, measuring the effectiveness of the outreach was impossible. As of 2020, MWC-CC serves approximately 70 participants. Only serving 4 Latinos with the expected outcome of raising the number by 10% by the end of the outreach.
