

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Music & Performing Arts


Music with and Emphasis in Sound Recording

First Advisor

Lanier Sammons

Second Advisor

Jeffrey A. Jones


Balloon Pops and You! The Audio essence of CSUMB This project involves convolution reverb. I'm sure you’ve used reverb before when making music. Scientifically a reverb is a self-contained echo. Most reverbs are digital, either logorhymic or algorthymic. Convolution Reverb is different from regular reverb. A convolution reverb attempts to capture the essence of a physical space. The can be done with a few different methods such as sine sweep or transients. If you have ever seen the wave form of a snare drum, you will notice it will have a steep attack with a short decay, the high point is what it known as a transient. With the transient method you can either clap your hands or pop a balloon. So, for my project I am attempting to capture "the sound of the campus" Okay, so what does any of this mean to me? You might be asking. Well think about this. What if you were in a Rock band and you wanted to have a unique sound to your tracks? Let’s say you wanted to have vocals sound like they are coming from a subway station, or your bass is coming from a dumpster. Maybe you want your drums to sound like they are coming from the hallway closet? You can do this with convolution reverb. This project intends to create a collection of Impulse Responses in order to put them in a convolution reverb for a musical project. After looking over CSUMB alumni’s Sam Kantoric’s capstone on Convolution reverb I seem to have been beaten to the punch. However, I believe that my project is still vastly different from his. His capstone was a broad overview of the process of convolution reverb and featured a small gathering of various IR’s. My project would be doing the same thing, only I would focus on collecting IR’s from various locations of the CSUMB campus. The method used in this project will specifically be Impulse Response Capture through Balloon Pops. In addition to not only collecting the Impulse response from the campus.

The package of impulse responses will be available to everyone to download for free.


Free to use for Commercial Purposes. Enjoy my Package, I did it for you!

Link to the Convolution Reverb Impulse Response Package below.

Additional Files (1198125 kB)
A Package Of Convolution_Reverb Files to use in an Audio Project.
