"The Pros and Cons of Computer-Based Standardized Testing for Elementar" by Sierra Gonzalez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Linda Bynoe


The purpose of this study was to find the pros and cons of computer-based standardized testing for elementary school students. This research can also be used by educators or administrators to understand the effectiveness of computer-based testing (CBT) compared to the traditional paper and pencil testing (PPT) method. There was little to no research on standardized tests specifically, so general research was found, and conclusions were drawn with the available information. The research in this paper referenced multiple studies which compared CBT and PPT scores according to age, race, gender, and ability to speak English. In addition, this research evaluated the effectiveness of CBT for students with disabilities, and it surveyed students to find their overall opinion on CBT compared to PPT. With this information, it was found that CBT scores rated roughly the same for general education and special education elementary students; the only difference that was found was that students who speak English performed better on CBT than students who did not speak English. With this information, it was concluded that CBT was an effective method for the standardized testing of elementary students. There were some concerns surrounding technology malfunctions, but with proper preparation from administrators and teachers, CBT should produce accurate results of student success.
