"Santa Cruz Hospice: Transitions and Palliative Care Services Pilot Vol" by Renalyn Mae Serrano



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Kim Judson


Hospice of Santa Cruz County is regarded as the most experienced hospice program in the region. Currently, terminally ill patients who are not enrolled in any type of hospice care program are not receiving resources for services soon enough. Also, the transitions and palliative care patients at Hospice aren’t receiving adequate social or emotional support. This project piloted a Transitions and Palliative Care Services Volunteer Program with volunteers providing direct services through biweekly or monthly visits to patients that included companionship, emotional support and cognitively stimulating activities. The direct service of volunteer visits was used in order to increase patient satisfaction. Surveys were created in order to measure the effectiveness of visits. Results led to better research for techniques on patient interaction. Changes and recommendations from the survey were implemented. Finally, improvements would be having more volunteers for the program and training available in order to help improve patient’s quality of life.
