"Redefining a Highly Qualified Teacher" by Sabrina Ochoa



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies


This research paper reviews the qualifications of a “Highly Qualified Teacher” as described by the No Child Left Behind Act that was published in 2001. Further research was done to determine if these qualifications were sufficient enough to qualify a teacher as “highly qualified”. A number of scholarly reviewed articles and journals were analyzed to dictate augmented qualities that should be premeditated when considering an applicant as highly qualified. Aside from additional experience and content knowledge, researchers suggest teachers should have qualities that improve their relationships with their students and their staff. Teachers' content knowledge does not necessarily mean they are efficient as educators. Students can be very complex and learning to adapt to different learning styles is also a learning process for teachers. The findings of this research paper expand on other factors such as being able to take advice and cultivate strategies to sustain when creating a classroom culture. The “extra” effort teachers make is what defines them as “highly qualified teachers”.
