"Insufficient Post Secondary Information for Students in Alternative Sc" by Iradzeni Salazar



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services


Access to resources and information is important as it can help individuals plan for future goals and enable them to become successful in life. Youth Alliance is a non-profit organization that serves children, youth, and families through culturally relevant services and programs. A program offered is Restorative Justice, which serves at-risk youth at a continuation school. Few students continue with their education after graduating from alternative schools. Insufficient knowledge about post-secondary education as well as discouragement from peers and academic history contribute to students not acquiring a post-secondary education. Consequently, these individuals are more likely to fall into the school to prison pipeline, have low socioeconomic status, and suffer from poor health conditions. To address students not having appropriate information and resources, the project was designed to provide students with post-secondary and financial aid information. Eight-three students were advised to view an eight-minute video that contained a post-secondary education and financial aid presentation. The video provided an overview of post-secondary institutions, college requirements, application deadlines, and a description of the four types of financial aid available. After viewing the video the students were advised to complete a post-survey. The findings indicated that more than half the respondents were interested in higher education and that they would need assistance with their transition into a post-secondary institution. To provide students with appropriate support, it is recommended that post-secondary information videos, in-person presentations, or virtual workshops are offered to the students.
