"Items Often Overlooked as Necessary for Maintaining Good Health" by Taliyah Crawford



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


The agency that I had the pleasure of interning at is the Veterans Transition Center of Monterey County (VTC). The problem this research addressed is the lack of socks and underwear in the clothing pantry. They are the items that are the least donated but the most vital to the homeless veteran population. The contributing factor to this problem is that when people donate clothing, they are typically getting rid of items they no longer need. They donate clothing that no longer fits, or they no longer are interested in owning. Many people do not even think twice about donating socks or underwear, these are items many of us take for granted. For the homeless population these are items of great need. This research found that when community members are asked to donate items of need for our homeless veteran population, the community responded favorably. Recommendations would be for a sock and underwear drive to take place at least once a year but best-case scenario would be at least twice a year. This would allow for the clothing pantry at the VTC to maintain these hard to come by items.

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