"Creative Teaching: How Vital is it to be Creative in Teaching?" by Sommy Keo



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


This capstone project is aimed to explore the multifaceted forms of learning and how the lack of resources creates disparities in students’ communities. This is an important issue for students because most of them are underperforming at Fremont Elementary. To tailor teaching to the multifaceted ways of learning, a mutual consensus should be reached to meet the needs of students. Thus, a consideration of the issue should include the perspective of the teacher and students. Art is something that when integrated into a subject, promotes fun and more participation in learning. The action was to present a creative lesson plan with the site teacher’s permission. The idea of integrating art was to allow students to be creative in both expression and learning with the freedom to find their own alternate solution(s). An argument is made that education should foster interests, so as to engage and positively affect students.

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