"Pedestrian Safety" by Karen Pacheco Silva



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health ad Human Services

First Advisor

Caitlin Stinneford


Every year the number of pedestrians involved in a car accident unfortunately increases. In Monterey County this seems to be especially true. According to the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) in 2014, Monterey County ranked 17th out of 58 in the state of California for automobile crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists. As a result, the Monterey County Health Department received a grant from the Office of Traffic Safety to address this problem. The team leading these efforts is the Injury Prevention Program from the Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Unit. The capstone project consists of educational materials for elementary school children on pedestrian safety. Topics of this presentation include staying visible to traffic, safety equipment, staying alert for traffic as well as traffic rules and signals. Before COVID-19 impacted Monterey County and the schools, the original project consisted of assembly style presentations. However, due to school closures the delivery of this presentation was modified in order to comply with COVID-19 guidelines and to accommodate for the school’s distance learning adaptation.
