"Youth Homeless Response Team Social Media" by Jennesis Carrasco



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Youth homelessness is a big issue worldwide and the Youth Homelessness Response Team (YHRT) is a non-profit organization that helps unaccompanied youth ages 15-24 who are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or fleeing a Domestic Violence situation in Santa Cruz County. The purpose of this project is to spread awareness to the community and youth to reduce the resources being underutilized. The community lacks knowledge of the resources offered, and therefore the community faces many barriers. The capstone project was a newsletter that educates and informs the community and partners about the Youth Homeless Response Team, program updates, and the resources available. The monthly newsletter focused on giving the opportunity to the community and partners to get to know the YHRT participants along with a monthly update on YHRT, Community Action Board, the Census and more. The motivational posts are created and shared on YHRT’s social media account where the followers and community are able to see. The purpose of this is to spread positivity and motivate the youth along with others who find the information useful.

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