Developing a program for pre-service teachers interested in teaching young female students in rural areas of developing countries

Tanya M. Zeitler, California State University, Monterey Bay

Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department


This capstone examines how training programs for pre-service teachers interested in teaching children in developing countries could be developed at the California State University (CSU) system level. Currently, there are few programs in place for teachers interested in teaching in developing countries. In order to teach abroad, they need to work for the Peace Corps or teach English in Korea, but training programs for pre-service teachers have not been institutionalized at the Institutions of Higher Learning (IHEs), such as CSU system. Teaching abroad usually creates a stigma for those who teach abroad and return to the United States, for one their experience is undervalued or distrusted. Through use of extensive literature review, a survey of Liberal Studies students and interview with an International Programs Manager at California State University Monterey Bay, this capstone examines the potential necessary elements of a training program for pre-service teachers interested in teaching in rural areas of developing countries at the CSU system.