"A valuation of the Pleasure Point Surf-Zone in Santa Cruz, CA using tr" by Charles Francis, Tilley



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Science & Environmental Policy


here is some dispute over population increase and its related effects on the Pleasure Point surf-zone in Santa Cruz, CA that include overcrowding, hazardous water quality, and alteration of the coastline by man, to name a few. It is the purpose of this project to estimate the dollar value of this recreational area as an attempt to obtain fair and equal recognition of this natural resource in terms of the benefits that it provides to the local community. With the use of the Travel Cost Model, derived via the statistical analysis of surveyed data, a net value of the Pleasure Point surf-zone was estimated at $8,389,296 annually, $6,212,704 of which is a benefit of consumer surplus (CS). These values pose considerable opportunities for local policy and/or decision-makers to integrate consideration of this, and other surf-zones, proportionately with the issues of degradation, maintenance, or enhancement that currently exist.


Capstone Project (B.S.) Earth Systems Science and Policy Institute

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