"The emancipating power of education : reshaping the intellectual parad" by Adrian Andrade



Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


Teacher Education


This research project examines the educational experiences of a sample of mixed gendered Mexican-American professionals who hold higher educational degrees and a sample of mixed-gendered contemporary Mexican-American students who are currently enrolled in college in successful pursuit of a baccalaureate degree. The intent was to isolate and illustrate the factors of academic success in order to persuade future students along the same emancipating of academia and graduation from college. The Mexican-American population does not have a historical structure of college education in their background, thus making this a significant area of important research. Statistical predictions forecast a Latino majority in California by the Summer of the year 2001. It is therefore crucial for this population to begin creating a consistent model of graduation from college in order to reshape the intellectual paradigm.


Thesis (M.A.) Institute for Advanced Studies in Education

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