

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Although music education is known to be beneficial to students with special needs, music programs are often absent in special education classrooms. This topic is important because music is a valuable teaching tool, especially in a special education classroom where abilities may vary greatly. To learn more about the benefits and barriers associated with music education, a special education teacher, a parent of a special needs child, and a student currently in a special education program were interviewed. Three themes emerged from the data collected, including concern for the expense of a music program, optimism about the benefits that music provides, and ideas of how to run a cost-effective program in a school with limited funding. With this data in mind, a collection of resources including music lesson plans and instructions for creating instruments has been compiled and distributed to special education teachers. Through this project, it was determined that music programs have cost-effective alternatives that can be engaging as well as equally beneficial to students, as their more costly counterparts.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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