"Wheels on fire : sparking community outreach for therapeutic recreatio" by Kacey Peterson



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Over the past several years, society has made huge improvements in providing recreational opportunities for people with disabilities. Although great strides have been made it still does not meet the needs of the community. The lack of community outreach for therapeutic services affects funding, program participation, and social involvement for people with disabilities. Research has shown that without therapeutic recreation services, people with disabilities miss out on fundamental life skills. Evidence from interviews, surveys, and observations proved that the lack of education regarding therapeutic services is the biggest roadblock. This was followed by lack of experience working with people who have disabilities. In order to expose the general public to therapeutic programs, the community was invited to attend a spaghetti feed. Attendees had the opportunity to hear personal stories, get information about upcoming events and services offered, volunteer, donate, and witness a flash mob presented by participants of therapeutic programs. In addition to the Spaghetti feed, brochures were handed out to inform local schools and community members about therapeutic recreation and the services available in the area. The key to improving community outreach is first to educate the community, then engage the community, and finally include the community


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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