"Helping second grade students be successful in the classroom literacy " by Michelle Puga



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Reading is one of the many fundamental assets in our lives. When students in the early elementary grades experience difficulties learning to read, they are at risk for low academic achievement across content areas. This capstone project targeted a group of 12 students from a Salinas elementary school who have low reading levels. Data from student, teacher, and principal interviews and surveys revealed that lack of parent involvement, limited funding, and need for additional help were the three most significant factors impacting students’ low reading achievements and preventing second grade students from becoming successful readers. For my action project, students read a lot of stories, did two reading activities: what is reading spider web and used coloring books as reading materials, and practiced their phonics. Students experienced individual reading, partnered reading, and teacher follow along reading. Children really appreciate getting the extra help and they enjoyed my weekly visits.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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