"Parent homework involvement" by Diana Rocha



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Parents’ homework involvement has a great impact on their children’s academic success, but parents sometimes experience issues that interfere with their participation in their children’s academic work. Data from parent interviews revealed that parents try to get involved in their child’s homework and that they see educators as facilitators of parent involvement. Student interviews revealed that children know why parents participate in their homework, but they have different opinions, for example, one of them was scared to have her parents look over her homework because she didn't want them to know how she was doing in school. Based on what was learned from these interviews, parents were invited to participate in an afterschool program, through Girl Scouts Center, to share some homework time with their children, and to learn specific strategies and approaches for how to effectively help their children during homework time.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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