

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Anti-social gang activity is on the rise in the local area of the southern Salinas Valley. As a future educator, I am concerned about reaching children as young as possible in order to prevent them from growing into adolescents who will become involved in gangs and keeping them academically focused in order to be pro-social citizens in their communities. Through use of literature review, I hope to find methods that will help families bond to one another which, in turn, could give children a base to which to rely upon in times of adversity and pressure, such as gang influence. This senior capstone will inform the readers about what types of involvement from the adults around a child could influence a positive outlook in life and academics. It will also point out factors that could deter bonding and suggestions to what society at large could do to help form that bond through schools, social programs, and personal participation. The role of all of us as parents, educators and citizens of this world can have an influence on keeping children out of gangs and the earlier we start the more chances that we can socialize them to become positive advocates for themselves and their communities.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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