

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Although schools are accessible institutions in which learning is encouraged, some children in the Monterey Bay community do not share the same passion to learn. Multicultural literature is an effective tool with which teachers can engage their students. However, these tools cannot be sufficient if a teacher does not acknowledge the cultural diversity of their students. This is a disconnect between diverse students and a predominately Anglo-American teaching force. Several surveys were obtained from local elementary school teachers who were asked about their opinions regarding multicultural literature for children. Despite personal experiences, experiences from my peers, and data collected in the research of my literature review, the results obtained from surveys suggest that several local teachers do in fact support the use of multicultural literature. Teachers interested in the project welcomed college student, Brittany Turner, to lead a lesson in multicultural literature to their classroom. A concise resource consisting of a list of recommended children’s literature and lesson templates was provided to participating teachers. Teachers recognized the need to show that they are culturally aware through their lessons and openly received the book list in order to improve the cultural divide between teachers and students.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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