

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


Teacher Education


This study introduced four parenting styles. The focus is on the difference between the authoritative and authoritarian styles. The participants involved 6 Chinese instructors at the DLI and their 6 children, age 8-16. Interviews were taken separately between the parent and the adolescent groups. Three forums were held within three months, discussing about the typical issues regarding parenting styles. The purpose of the study is to provide the adult participants, who were apparently practicing the traditional Chinese way of rearing children, with various parenting styles that they could then pick and choose from as they see fit. It also helped the adolescent participants understand their parents better. Hopefully it will bring out a closer family relationship, a harmonic and healthy educational environment for the participant children to grow up. There might also be influence on other Chinese parents which enables them to learn and choose the authoritative parenting style.


Thesis (M.A.) Teacher Education Department

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