"College Awareness for Spanish Speaking Parents" by Mariela G. Morales


Spring 5-2016

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


This project focuses on bringing college awareness to Spanish-speaking parents. The project consisted of executing a Spanish college awareness workshop and providing parents take-home college informational resources in Spanish at Oscar F. Loya elementary school in Salinas, California. The project tackles four barriers that place these families at a disadvantage when it comes to parent involvement in college planning: language barrier, lack of college informational resources in Spanish, lack of formal education, and lack of personal college experiences. To address the problem, workshop topics include: A-G requirements, college entrance exams, and financial aid. The college knowledge from parents at this school was tested with a pre-workshop survey. The results revealed that 90 percent of the parents were not aware of the topics mentioned previously. A post-workshop survey revealed that the majority of the parents were confident to mention they had learned these topics, were able to describe them and give at least one example.

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